A Lake District Kiss

Why I Love This Wedding Photo

Its been a short while since I posted one of these articles about why I love a particular wedding photo of mine so decided to scan the archives for a fresh image. This particular image was taken at The Gilpin Lake House near Lake Windermere after this awesome couple decided to hire me as their Lake District Wedding Photographer. I titled this post a lake district kiss and think its super romantic. A friend of mine said it reminded him of a romantic movie poster.

Depending on when you’re reading this post we currently heading into the back end of 2020. During this pandemic things have been very strange for wedding photographers though one things that we share is that any weddings we are shooting at the moment are very small. This intimate wedding at the Gilpin Lake House was super intimate and romantic and one of the reasons I love this photo.

There is no doubt now that i’m in love with being a Gilpin Lake House Wedding Photographer. Its a wedding venue that I can really get my teeth into my photography with. The building and its surrounds have so much character. They have to most beautiful lake and forrest woodland too.

Gilpin Lake House Wedding Photographer

Moving onto the actually images itself and why I love it. One things that always stands out to me immediately is the rain. Rain on a wedding day is what I imagine most brides and grooms wish against. I’m pretty sure these guys where against it too. The thing I love about these guys and this image is that they just embraced the wether and made it a part of their story.

These guys were crazy in love and they really wanted an “outdoorsy” feel to their wedding and have that reflected in their wedding photography. I really get this vibe from the image and I know that there really happy with the images. The venue is one of the great outdoor wedding venues in the lake district.

I hope you enjoyed this latest edition of why I love this wedding photo. If you’re getting married in the lake district then please take a look through my work and if you see what you like then please get in touch.

